Viktor-y Steps
The hero of my photo series is a five-year-old gypsy boy, Viktor Lakatos. Until the age of three, he lived the same life as others. But one day he unexpectedly got meningitis. As a result of the serious illness, he had to be resuscitated twice, then the doctors thought that he only had a few hours left. The tissues in his limbs completely died due to the stoppage of blood circulation, so unfortunately two of his legs and nine fingers had to be amputated, but thanks to God he survived.
He is currently attending a special kindergarten dedicated for kids with disabbilites, where he is learning to walk with artificial legs. The employees of the kindergarten helps the children's movement and thanks to Viktorka's great will, he is developing nicely. My main focus was to show his everyday life, how he overcomes the obstacles and how he starts walking again. Although he has reasons for being sad, the smile on his face is an example for all of us.